Parent Education Information

Understanding Your Child's Development - For Parents of Preschool Children

Starting preschool signifies a new milestone of your child's development. Other than the family, the preschool also plays an important role in nurturing your child's learning of knowledge and skills. Close communication between parents and teachers surely helps in facilitating their development.


To Nurture or To Pressure

Parents nowadays are eager to be sure their children are well prepared for success in education. However, it is also true that putting too much pressure on our children too soon may do more harm than good for their development.



Helping Your Children of Kindergarten Age

The Education Bureau has compiled the pamphlet "Helping Your Children of Kindergarten Age" to enhance parents' understanding of their children's growth and learning in kindergarten, promote collaboration between parents and schools, and work together to provide a balanced, enjoyable learning experience that meets children's development needs.